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Condizione fans spot lookalike through the Scots wrestler on The fatigue Chasers

Grado fans couldn’t believe it is when a lookalike of the Scots wrestler appeared on Beat The Chasers and joked he was the son of Stamp ‘The Beast’ Labbett.

Burly ventilation systems designer then comedian Connor appeared on Saturday night’s episode of the ITV quiz.

And Conor jokingly said ‘Hello dad’ to Mark much to assist you to viewers amusement.

Women Scots lovers of the demonstrate were more intrigued by means of his similarity to WWE wrestler and Two Garage doors Down acting talent Alcance.

One said: “Whats going @gradowrestling? Convinced this was users on beat the chasers furthermore there! #itsursel”

Another added: “Just watched @gradowrestling on beat the chasers, hard luck pal. ”

Checking out the picture now available were divided by the identity.

One considered that: “Massive opportunity for a Bogus Grado entrance to bait the fans. ”

Another dietary fad: “So close an all. inches

Coupled with someone else added: “Bradley tended to give it away when he showing up him “fae the tap finish off of Stevenston. “”

However one rumoured: ‘Aye if he was stomach fat stroke. ”

Condizione fans spot lookalike through the Scots wrestler on The fatigue Chasers
Condizione fans spot lookalike through the Scots wrestler on The fatigue Chasers

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