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Even so Game actor Sanjeev Kohl comes to rescue of addicts who can’t get hold of Irn Bru

Still Game actor Sanjeev Kohl, who played shopkeeper Navid , is at a the rescue of fans who can’t get hold of Irn Bru.

Sanjeev reckons the guy can still get access to some former stock of Barr’s pineapple aid, which he seems to think is the next most sensible thing.

In a funny write-up on Twitter, Sanjeev taken care of immediately the current fuel crisis, carrying out stopping lorries of Irn Bru getting through to the vendors, creating more panic to purchase.

He said: “If you’re struggling to get Irn Bru, I’ve got a small number bottles of these I can recycle you. ”

He spoke a picture of Barr’s prominent pineapple aid – of which isn’t exactly a replacement for your famed orange liquid all of us love.

It got fans idea though and one said: “Are we privvy to navids private stock of mummy to be pride? ”

Another expressed: “In the shop that’s why? You still trading in Craiglang son? ”

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And other people added: “Hope Meena can guess your flogging her shares off. ”

While a friend suggested: “If it had been entramado kola or cream gaseosa then mebbes aye on the other hand no that stuff. ”

Even so Game actor Sanjeev Kohl comes to rescue of addicts who can’t get hold of Irn Bru
Even so Game actor Sanjeev Kohl comes to rescue of addicts who can’t get hold of Irn Bru

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