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Lorraine Kelly speechless after Good Morning Britain’s Adil Ray makes comment about her age

Lorraine Kelly was left speechless after Adil Ray seemingly accidentally took a swing for the presenters age on Good Morning Britain.

The Scottish presenter joined Ray and Susanna Reid to discuss dogs, and whether it is ethical to get them in your eighties before he made the remark.

As the trio were debated the subject, Ray stated that some people believe that the elderly are not physically fit enough to properly look after their pets.

Lorraine Kelly left speechless after comment about her age from Adil Ray

Ray said: “Well, the argument is that you’ve got to take the dogs out for a walk – Lorraine will know!”

Reid looked surprised following the comment, and Ray quickly attempted to backtrack after realising that his choice of words was poor.

He said: “Because Lorraine has Angus – but of course, Lorraine is very young, obviously.”

Kelly was speechless after the second remark, and looked awkwardly to her left.

Ray continued: “Just going to dig myself out of that hole! Lorraine, you will know that it is a bit challenging taking Angus out for a walk every day, you’ve got to keep them physically fit.”

“I love it, Adil,” Lorraine responded.

Susanna exclaimed: “What are you saying about Lorraine’s fitness?!”

“It’s fine,” Lorraine insisted after bursting into laughter.

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Ray went on: “No! It’s just sometimes for all of us, ‘Oh, I’ve got to take the dog for a walk.’ Especially if you’re in your eighties…”

“It gets you out of the house and it gets you fresh air,” Lorraine continued. “And during all those lockdowns it kept us sane, didn’t it?!”

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Good Morning Britain airs weekdays at 6am on ITV.

Lorraine Kelly speechless after Good Morning Britain’s Adil Ray makes comment about her age
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