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Lorraine Kelly battling stress by taking up knitting after being inspired by Tom Daley

Lorraine Kelly has taken up knitting to battle stress after being inspired by Tom Daley – despite not picking up a needle for the last fifty years.

The Scots telly presenter said it’s her New Years Resolution to master a new hobby – and knitting is the perfect fit.

Lorraine told Hello! magazine: “This is the year that I’m determined to master a new hobby, inspired by Tom Daley when he came on my show as a guest last month.

“Tom is a man of many skills, not just an Olympic gold medal-winning diver and TV pundit and presenter, but he’s also an excellent knitter.

She explained: “When Tom came on the show, he presented me with a pair of needles and a big ball of fuchsia pink wool and I was instantly hooked. We sat amicably knitting and chatting and I loved it.”

Lorraine revealed that she learned to knit at Strathclyde primary school in Bridgeton, Glasgow when she was about ten years old.

And she admitted: “Although I haven’t picked up a pair of knitting needles in almost fifty years, it all came flooding back to me. I remembered how to cast on and how to do plain and purl stitching, but that’s about my limit so far.”

Others loved seeing Tom Daley knitting at the Olympics
Tom Daley showed off his knitting at the Olympics and now he’s taught Lorraine

So far the daytime telly Queen has made Ruby, her daughter Rosie’s mini sausage dog a pink scarf, a misshapen woolly jumper, and is also knitting Angus her border terrier a coat from thick wool.

She said: “Now my family and friends are living in fear and dread of me gifting them hand-knitted woolly socks, mittens and balaclavas.”

“I’m actually finding it a real stress buster. “

Lorraine Kelly battling stress by taking up knitting after being inspired by Tom Daley
Balita Ngayon Philippines

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