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Made in Chelsea’s Proudlock turns air blue while trying out Scots accent on trip

Made in Chelsea’s Proudlock Made in Chelsea’s Proudlock had terms like ‘F***ybaws’ flung at him during a Scots trip.

The reality star and his Dunblane born wife Emma Louise Connolly couldn’t resist going native – and getting a taste of home during a two day trip to Edinburgh.

And they asked Scots fans to throw traditional Scottish words at them so Proudlock could try out his accent.

Emma and Proudlock were thrilled to explore the streets and Proudlock admitted that Emma spent ten minutes looking for her favourite square sausage and tattie scone in a well fired roll.

Emma Louise Connolly tucked into her square sausage and tattie scone breakfast roll

She didn’t manage to get the right roll in the end but her face was a picture as she tucked into the breakfast treat.

She said: “The morning roll with square and tattie scone. Ten out of ten.”

Proudlock said: “Ems is taking me round her motherland. Ems is showing me round her favourite spot, the weather is a bit dreich.”

He later repeated: ” It’s fair dreich the day please drop some Scottish lingo for me to learn in the comments below…”

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Plenty of suggestions came his way with some mild phrases like ‘ Braw bricht moonlicht nicht’ as well as some more descriptive ones like ‘F***y’, ‘Bogging’ .

There were also suggestion for ‘Awa n bile yer heid’ ‘Och aye the noo’ and ‘Gonnae no dae that’.

Made in Chelsea’s Proudlock turns air blue while trying out Scots accent on trip
Balita Ngayon Philippines

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